

Fuse holder can be exchangeable. fuse tube is made of fiber glass which inside liner is constructed of
constructed of a synthetic arc-extinguishing is protected from the weather and environment by
UV resistant coaling. 40 the top contact is made of highly conductive red copper strip with silver coating.
it provides a socket- type cavity for latching the fuse holder. its constant pressure maintains firm contact
with fuse holder the hinge is made of high-strengh casting.the hinge contacts are highly conductive
copper allay stampings and are plated by silver to assure low resistance current transfer from the
trunnion casting. the parallet current paths are backed up by high strengh cantilever springs and are
riveted to the hinge castings. fuseholder can be dropped into place and easly lifted up and out. the toggle
type trunnion casting is silver -plated bronze for efficient current transfer to the lower hinge contact and
provides high pressure parallet current paths to the lower contacts. the fuse link spigtail can go directly
from the fuse tube to the attachment nut .the flipper helps to rapidly eject the link from the fuse holder
during interruption


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